The ICT4Manuf DIH is a multidisciplinary research center specializing in ICT for Manufacturing (Software Engineering, Data Mining, Knowledge Management).
It is a cluster of skills that brings together many researchers who are sensitive to industrial performance and who are willing to respond to the scientific challenges caused by the changes in the industrial world. This center has a close link with the University Lumière Lyon 2, that is to say:
34 research laboratories
12 European projects
More than 600 researcher educators
1200 PhD students from 7 doctoral schools.
A range of varied themes covering some 20 disciplines : humanities and ICT
Diversified resources (documentation, digitization, audiovisual, information systems, experimental platforms, etc.)
4 Research federations (MOM, ISERL, MAELYSE, RELYS)
IUT Lumière Lyon 2 (University Institute of Technology)
For 25 years, the proximity of ICT4Manuf DIH and IUT Lumière (unique IUT in France to provide all of its training alternately), allows these two entities a significant transfer of expertise. In fact, more than 4,000 contracts for corporate training projects have been signed at IUT Lumière, several of these agreements have resulted in opening up to research projects within the ICT4Manuf DIH of Lyon 2. A rich industrial fabric, which allows our center to enjoy a powerful network to create strong partnerships (EDF, TARDY, APR…)
DISP Laboratory
DISP-lab (Decision & Information Systems for Production systems, EA4570), gathers researchers and teacher-researchers from Université de Lyon around a double expertise in Industrial Engineering and Information technology for business.
Its members belong to 5 institutions of Université de Lyon among which Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 a multidisciplinary university with 65 state-funded research units working in three fields; health, the environment and material technologies.
Its members belong to 5 institutions of Université de Lyon among which Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 a multidisciplinary university with 65 state-funded research units working in three fields; health, the environment and material technologies.
The DIH Coordinator is involved in several collaborative projects. The listed companies constitute the ICT4Manuf DIH partners.