ICT 4 Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub


The laboratory is involved in a lot of European projects. But our position on them is linked with all the AURA region objectives. In fact, the laboratory wants to be as close as possible to every objective of the region by being involved in all European projects. the following board is showing our projects linked with the regional objectives.


Regional Objectives Our projects
Personalised healthcare for infectious and chronic diseases  DIH4CPSInterop BL
Smart and energy-efficient buildings
Industrial processes and eco-efficient factory Shyftevf-OSFITMANSearch Chine
Smart mobility systems
Digital technologies and user-friendly systems vf-OSInterop BL, OnePoint, EasyIMP
Sports, tourism and mountain infrastructure eTourismEasyIMP
Networks and energy storage EnergyPool

The following board is showing all the other DIH of the Rhône-Alpes (FR71) region.

Hub name  City Smart Specialisation (SS) Link to SS AI HPC Cyber Security Association to EU-funded project
JESSICA FRANCE – CAP’TRONIC programm Grenoble Embedded software and electronics  Digital technologies and user-friendly systems X X
Minalogic Grenoble General innovation Digital technologies and user-friendly systems X X X
  • SAE (FED4SAE) From 01/09/2017 to 31/08/2020
minaSmart Grenoble General innovation Digital technologies and user-friendly systems X X X
  • SAE (FED4SAE) From 01/09/2017 to 31/08/2020,
  • SAE (SmartEES) From 14/09/2017 to 13/09/2020
Plastipolis  Bellignat Plastics and composites  Digital technologies and user-friendly systems
  • I4MS (BEinCPPs) From 01/11/2015 to 31/10/2018
